ECE 211: Digital Systems Laboratory
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Cyprus

Laboratory assignements progress from investigation of the properties of basic logic gates and flip-flops to the design of arithmetic and sequential circuits using medium-scale integrated circuit devices as well as programmaple devices. Take home programming assignements include VHDL code development and simulation.

Laboratory exercises include:

  • Introduction to logic hardware - AND, OR, and NOT gates
  • Introduction to NAND, NOR and XOR Gates; Design of Multiple-Switch Lamp Controls
  • Combinational Logic with Multiplexers and Decoders: Design of a Full Adder
  • Binary memory units: SR latch, D and JK flip-flops: Design of a Ripple Counter
  • Registers and Counters: Design of Universal Shift register, Ring counter and BCD counter
  • Final Design Project (includes VHDL and C programming, design, simulation and implementaion of a complete digital system using programmable logic devices)

  • Work Expected from Students
  • Attendance is REQUIRED.
  • Regular readings of the assigned material.
  • Regular laboratory exercises (in the S/W and H/W laboratories). Preparation prior to each laboratory session is NECESSARY.
  • Regular laboratory reports (typed).
  • VHDL programming assignments.
  • Final design project and corresponding oral examination.
  • One midterm and one final examination (comprehensive).

  • Computer Usage:
    Altera Max +II ver. 10.2 will be used on PCs (Windows platform) for schematic and VHDL description and simulation of digital circuits.

    Hardware Laboratory Usage:
    Each laboratory station is equipped with a digital logic breadboard unit containing a power supply, timers, switches and indicators, an Altera UP2 educational board with programmable logic devices, ByteBlasterMV parallel port download cable, and a PC, running Max + II, connected to a network printer.

    Special Considerations:
    In the hardware laboratory, students work in groups of two but maintain individual laboratory notebooks and submit individual reports. Individual work and reports are required for experiments and projects using the Altera Max +II computer aided design tools as well as the VHDL programming assignments.

    • Laboratory Exercises/Reports 30%
    • VHDL programming assignments 10%
    • Final Design Project 20%
    • Midterm Exam 10%
    • Final Exam (Comprehensive) 30%

    Passing this course requires a total grade of at least 50%, completion of all laboratory exersices and the final project, and a grade of at lease 50% in the final exam.
    The instructor reserves the right to make minor changes in the above grade distribution. Moreover, the instructor reserves the right to adjust borderline grades up or down based on attendance and class participation.

    Course Policies
    • Grading: Inquiries and disputes about graded work should be made within one week after it has been handed back. Only inquiries that clearly explain the complaint will be considered. Not readable/sloppy work will incur an automatic 20% penalty, if accepted.
    • Late Work: All work must always be turned in by the predefined deadline. Late submissions incur a 20% penalty for each day being late, up to a maximum of 3 days after which no points will be granted. All extensions should be arranged with the instructor prior to the due date. No make-up laboratory exercises and exams, or homework assignments due date extensions will be granted, unless you can provide a valid excuse. In the case of foreseen absences (such as approved University travel), you must contact your instructor prior the related absence date.
    • Academic Honesty: You are encouraged to work and talk with other students about the course material and all related work. However, when writing your laboratory report, homework assignements, program code and documentation, the work must be solely your own. Work that has significant overlap with another one is a violation of Academic Honesty and will be reported to the Department Council. The instructor may use appropriate software to check the integrity of a report.
              Download Syllabus (Greek PDF)  
      last updated 29.08.07